Saturday, December 02, 2006

Did anyone else read about Tom Tancredo's visit to MSU? He's great...I happened to read the best blog ever about him today. And because of its compelling arguments on the subject of immigration reform, I just can't not support Tom Tancredo for president, 2008! *shudder*

Tancredo on Miami: "It has become a Third World country....You would never know you're in America."

Interestingly, the blog cites MSU as being "one of the most conservative strong holds [sic] in the Midwest." Disgusting—I was hoping that however loud the College Republicans, Kyle "freedom fighter" Bristol, and his followers (YAF) were getting, they wouldn’t be confused with the rest of the populous at MSU, which is either apathetic or diametrically opposed to conservative causes. In spite of a minority of scary people, East Lansing is a college town, and certainly not a conservative stronghold.

1 comment:

Ben said...

"These foolish leftists"