Sunday, December 17, 2006

That's not him! Nor is that the guy! <---worst obscure reference ever.

Ben and I went to zeitgeist last night to see (L)oretta and the Larkspurs. It ended up not being the Larkspurs, but instead, a combination the Larkspurs and some solo performers--a really hip group on a really cool looking stage complete with dolls and a scarvèd, moving bass drum. They played “Hello, my baby!” amongst other covers and originals, all sort of creepy and old timey which worked with the atmosphere. 'The Winged Lady' was the closer…I probably won’t forget the song or the lady.

Later, we ate the local Château de Blanc and then took a tour of Milford. As part of it, we stopped at the new hookah bar where we ran into Skody and couldn’t figure out the house flavor-mix. I think there's strawberry in it. And watermelon?

The theremin is going to be harder to make than I thought—I found a good casing for it, but I just found out that the instructions assume that you've ordered the optional (and lame) casing, so there’s nothing about what size to cut holes etc. But, I’ll figure it out and I’ll finish before break’s over.


Ben said...

to the stereo-opticon song, referencing your "audiolodex"

pressed in the brain like a missed vinyl long play (he remembers)

Zachy said...

I like.