Sunday, February 11, 2007

Strange Weekend:

Friday. Confused me and the Justin Timberlake party.

Saturday. Great band practice (which is a better stress relief than 20 of those little squishies), dinner with my dad and ben, and then a poetry/frontier-ruckus folks party mixed with unexpected things (foosball) and people (Ali, Killer Miller, Sara K., Carolyn, etc.)--all chased with the apple juice of these thoughts: 1) "must write." 2) "must read."

Sunday. The Powwow of Love at the field house: it's a very fun, very warm, very friendly place. Nobody could come-with, but it was nice going alone nevertheless. Met people; watched dancers. Ate fry-bread; drank cola. Then, I helped Seth and Natalie make my delicious dinner--spicy lentil soup and bread.

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