Monday, August 29, 2005

Another day, another run in with Graham. This one not so bad for either of us I think. Just funny in a weird way. Sure, I still felt depressed but the feeling mostly passed.

Actually, Graham didn't see me despite being at arms length. Still weird.

I had been playing music with Ben at, I mean outside, of starbucks. It was going slow and then a couple people stopped and listened to us. We responded under the pressure. I think we really did a good job and that felt really wonderful after not playing together well in 3 months or so. And later, We ended up teaching them a melodica part and playing a song with them! For our efforts, we met two girls, one, a possible romanic interest for Ben. Best of all, we earned a whole dollar. Yes, you really can make money with music! Anyway, after they left, Ben and I just practiced and improvised off of a simple latin chord progression that went like: A Bb(Augmented) D D. Then we just messed around and talked for awhile (Graham walked by somewhere in there). Then, we met this homeless guy that said he lost his ID and we sat stumped about how you get ID when you don't have ID. We asked him a series of questions and found that he'd saved up the $14 it costs to get a new one at the secretary of state, but he needed his birth certificate or some like document to get it. Of course, you need ID to get a copy of your birth certificate too...We decided later that he could save up for a fake ID. I'll report on the Pride meeting I went to tomarow, but here's a taste: we played a game called "the winds of change."

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