Monday, August 29, 2005

Went out for dubs last night.

The hurricane spanning several states makes me nervous to watch.

Running into graham yesterday was awkward and depressing. He complimented my shirt, said it was nice. It is nice. We both could have stayed in the same place but, of course, it was bad for him too (for more go to I hate the situation, and worse, I can't pretend like it's not my fault...I wonder if he reads this like I read his.
I remember times when I was really angry at Graham. The time he yelled, with blatant spite, 'lukyguy' at me for more than a few minutes. Maybe some of my readers remember that. I think I just chalked it up to him being a dick and reminded myself never to talk him again, but it's easy to forget when a friend calls you up months later to go out for coffee. However, it's really easy to remember the low points in our friendship now. Sour grapes, I think.

I can't stop thinking about how he didn't really want me to visit him at Kcollege. Whenever Graham comes up in conversation, and Graham's present disposition towards me, our many common friends remember to me how much he was complaining about me, invited, going to visit him. What a burden it was to have me drive 4 hours to see him. How annoying I am. But again, that's just me finding faults in an ex friend that hates me, which is too easy to do no matter who it is. If I were on the opposite side, I'd look at me and perhaps think, I'm annoying, poorly read, and pretentious beyond my intelligence. I wear bad shirts, I drive a car with a dumb license plate, swoop and generally suck. (I don't mean to cut the list short, but I can't be too self deprecating without feeling like more of an ass).

Anyway, today I had 3 of my 5 classes. Bought a $160 French book. It hurt, paying for it, but now I can do my homework. Ate with Sandi, Derrek, Pete, and Seth. We talked about comics, our respective majors (Spanish, Advertizing, Journalism, and English) and the bullshit our colleges put us through. It's rough all over, Cherry.

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